It starts with two friends- Jess (right) a full-time professional photographer and Mychal (left) a full-time social media manager/part-time photographer- deciding to join forces and fill a gap in the industry.
With both pros experiencing a massive variety in clients from every industry, Jess is well versed in the needs of businesses from a branding photography standpoint and Mychal is well versed in the needs of businesses from a social media content standpoint.
This union brought about the conception of Hype Haus. Two hype girls with magnetic personalities that will dance circles around your competitors to get you the perfect shots for your brand.
Let's Party!
You know your audience best and sometimes YOUR unique voice can get lost through a third party.
Having somebody else run your page can make your page feel impersonal, especially via captions, comments and DM's. Hiring a content creator gives you high-quality visuals while keeping your unique voice and strategy intact.
2) Social media managers are not necessarily content creators.
Some absolutely can be and are amazing at it, but managing a social account is ultimately an office job and not everybody has the artistic nature of a content creator.
3) High-quality content without additional costs.
Many professional social media managers/agencies have packages ranging up to $5000 a month . If you can handle posting and you just need content, then why pay extra? We provide the content, you click post. (We can even educate you on your social channels if needed!)
4) Already have a social media manager? No problem!
We can provide the eye-catching content your brand needs and deliver it directly to your social media manager. (Trust us, managing is a lot of work, they will be happy for the assist!)
5) Love running your own social media?
Many brands enjoy engaging with their audience to ensure an authentic experience for their customers and clients. They want to be the ones answering questions and directing their customers/clients on next steps. A content creator just ensures you don't get caught without content!
6) TIME.
Not everyone has the time or expertise to shoot high-quality photos, direct videos, edit videos or design graphics. A content creator delivers engaging visuals for your brand while saving you time! (And let's be honest, everybody would be better at social media if they had a bank of content constantly ready to go.)
7) Never worry about running out of content.
A content creator ensures you have a steady flow of photos, videos, and graphics - so you're never scrambling for something to post.
8) Build your brand organically.
If you're starting out and you want to grow your brand authentically, a content creator helps you establish a professional presence without losing your personal touch.
Submit Form
Let's get this party started!
Drop your info below if you have any questions or want to inquire about a package!
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We will reply to you within 24 hours.